Sponsor A Student

Empower a student's future through sponsorship; transform lives with education and hope.

Bernard Osei

My name is Bernard Osei and I am 22 years old. I come from a broken home and a financially difficult background. If not for Pastor Doris and Daniel 1:8 Ministries, I would not have been able to start and finish senior high school. Currently I am out of school and learning this skill is not just for fun but a necessity for my life. I am not sure how I would be able to further my education but I believe that getting this training would give me something to live on and support myself, family and others.

I really need you to support me go through this two and a half year program. I need nine hundred dollars ($900) every year to sponsor myself through the program. I hope and pray that the Lord touches your heart to help me.

Goal amount for this student:
$900 USD
Rasied to date:
Still Need To Raise:
$900 USD
Important: Write in the student's name in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this specific child.

Kelvin Gyamfi

My name is Gyamfi Kelvin and i am 20 years of age. I stay in sunyani and live with my grandmother. Am a high school graduate but could not continue due to financial reasons. I was

given an opportunity to work with Daniel 1:8 ministries as an office assistant and through that i had the chance to enroll into the ministry skill training program. When the need came for the ministry to train some of its own to help build the program for the future, I saw it as an opportunity to build my interest for fashion though i obtain my interest in fashion from my mom. Coming from a difficult background i still had a heart of gold to help others and give back to the society. Even though I am grateful for this opportunity, i still need help to complete my course therefore plead to be assisted. The ministry operates on the help and support of kind people like you. Therefore as you help the ministry continue the program, you are indirectly helping me complete my course and be that help to others who come to the ministry's skill center to be trained.  

Goal amount for this student:
$900 USD
Rasied to date:
Still Need To Raise:
$900 USD
Important: Write in the student's name in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this specific child.

Godfred Gyan Ampomah

My name is Godfred Gyan Ampomah and I am 20 years and working on being a fashion designer. My journey into fashion began when i finished high school and realize continuation into my dream of being a lawyer has come to an end since my parents couldn’t afford. Due to this i was gifted with another passion which is sewing. When Daniel 1:8 Ministries introduced this skill my heart was over joyed and upon receiving help from wonderful helpers, it has enabled me to be enrolled into the training and also has thought me that truly God is with me. I count myself lucky and blessed. I see my future now bright and i see myself a great source of help to others in the ministry and the society at large.

I still need you to sponsor me to finish the last year of my training.

Goal amount for this student:
$900 USD
Rasied to date:
Still Need To Raise:
$900 USD
Important: Write in the student's name in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this specific child.


I am Elizabeth  and am 25 years old. I come from Banda in the Bono region of Ghana but i live in Sunyani-yawhima. I come from a very difficult background due to the economic struggles in my family. It has just been struggle over struggle for practically everyone in my household. I feel very blessed to be a beneficiary of the vocational program of Daniel 1:8 Ministries and those who  have supported this vision might have no or little idea of how their generosities have blessed someone like me.

I was very happy to know that I found a sponsor in a wonderful and kind woman for last year's training. I still want to plead with you wonderful people out there that I still need your support for this year because it is a two and a half year training program. I want to please encourage you also to find a student that you can help through the program because you might not just be helping an individual but an entire family and society.

Goal amount for this student:
$900 USD
Rasied to date:
Still Need To Raise:
$900 USD
Important: Write in the student's name in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this specific child.

Felicia Beyuo

My name is Felicia Beyuo and I am 40 years old. Unfortunately I am a sickle cell patient who got marriage at an early age due to financial constraints and the early death of my father. I am blessed to be a mother of four (4) but the oldest also has sickle cell disease that has affected his leg bone. Because my education al level was only up to primary 5, I want to be able to support my husband who is only a subsistence farmer and a casual painter to make sure our children go far with their education.

Being in fashion(sewing) has been my desire for a long time. I wanted to produce clothing’s for others but due to our financial weakness and the deteriorating health of our oldest son, I had to put that dream aside.

Hearing of The Potter's Workshop of Daniel 1:8 ministries from my husband, I was so happy to know there is still hope for me to achieve my dreams.

I really need your help even though I know I am above the ministries' acceptable age for the program but I believe it is God's appointed timing for me to get the needed help. I really want to help my husband with the hospital bills and house upkeep.

Learning this skill will do us a lot of good. Even though I would love to see others in clothes that I have made, my greatest aim is to help my family especially my son who is constantly in pain.

Goal amount for this student:
$900 USD
Rasied to date:
Still Need To Raise:
$900 USD
Important: Write in the student's name in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this specific child.


My name is Ninkarah Dorcas Sokoya and I am 23 years old. I come from the Northern region of Ghana but I live in Kumasi with my family. I have always wanted to have a vocation in sewing but since I completed senior high school, finances have been really rough on my family. My parents are both farmers but my dad hardly contributes anything to my life and my mom who has always been there for me lately can’t work due to health reasons. This has been very difficult for me and my mom since it was her greatest heart desire to see all her children through to achieving their dreams. Even though she can't work as hard as before, she is still doing whatever she can to help me become the fashion designer I yearn for. 

Being accepted into the vocational program of the Ministry is a dream come through and I feel very blessed. The challenge I have is that it costs so much for the training and I cannot afford it neither can my family. I really need a sponsor to be able to continue and finish the training so I can achieve my dream.

Goal amount for this student:
$900 USD
Rasied to date:
$0 USD
Still Need To Raise:
$900 USD
Important: Write in the student's name in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this specific child.
Our ministry leader, Ernest, on an old bike

Making Heath & Hygiene a Priority

A big need for D1:8 is the proper bathroom facilities that ensure the health for the children, staff, and visitors. For many years now, the school has lacked a sanitary option for a toilet, having to use a wooden structure with a dug hole sited on the compound. This set-up has made it uncomfortable and sometimes even impossible to easily breathe clean air at the site. It is extremely necessary to have well-built, cleaner bathroom facilities at the center to prevent our kids and visitors from getting sick.

Donations: $700.00/ $4,000
Important: Write in "Health & Hygiene" in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this cause.
Our ministry leader, Ernest, on an old bike

Transportation For Ernest

A need for our ministry that is becoming increasingly more urgent is a better mode of transportation for one of our ministry leaders, Ernest.

Ernest is currently living at our center, but our goal is to help him move closer to the communities/schools that he’s trying to reach, which will require a bigger, more reliable method of getting around. Ernest is currently using a very old, unreliable bicycle that is getting harder and harder to maintain. The bicycle just isn’t cutting it for the amount of distances he needs to travel for his work with the ministry, which is why we want to raise the funds in order to upgrade his transportation.

Not only is the bicycle not running properly, but it makes it challenging for Ernest to travel with books and other materials that are needed for his outreaches. With your help, we want to give Ernest a 3-wheel motorbike that would be more than efficient for getting him and his belongings around. With current regulations for gatherings, gathering outside is ideal. That will be made possible with a motorbike that can carry weight on the back for transporting folding chairs. Please consider supporting this; with your generosity, we could cover the cost of the motorbike ($1,800) and license it for the ministry.

Donations: $1,800/ $1,800 USD
Important: Write in "Transportation for Ernest" in the designated spot in the donation process to specify that you'd like your contributions to go to this cause.
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